Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hansbrough Halftime!!

As Roy Williams talked briefly on behalf of the retirement of the #50 jersey, he credited Tyler Hansbrough for making him a better coach. His remark on why he would be brief was, "...we're a little busy right now."

Busy keeping No. 7 Duke to a mere 1-point lead over the Tar Heels at halftime.

Not only did Tyler Hansbrough make Roy Williams a better coach, but apparently his presence in the Dean Dome makes the group of young but talented Tar Heels a better team. I don't know, there's still another half to play but I'm thinking maybe Tyler Hansbrough should come back for a couple more games this season. It could maybe secure the Carolina boys an invitation to the NCAA Tournament. It seems to be working, so far.

I'm still marrying him one day, by the way.



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