Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Just Jones It

Established in 2004 in the Sports section of Oviedo High School's Lion's Tale Newspaper, "Just Jones It" was my pride and joy. Well, at least for the time being. "Just Jones It" caused rifts between my friends, rude comments from people who disagreed, and an opportunity to put my thoughts on paper - and then have them published.

My childhood dream has always consisted of two directions in life. One direction was that I was going to be the next great female sideline reporter for ESPN. However, on May 4, 1978 in Lewiston, Maine the real next great female sideline reporter was born. Baily Jones versus Erin Andrews. I decided she was perfect and would hold down Dream Job #1 for a while so I thought I could always be a writer, behind the scenes, an opinionated witty columnist that could speak my biased opinion about the Tarheels or why the winner of the SEC football championship should get an automatic bid to the BCS Championship game. My second direction in life was working with special needs children and making a difference in as many disabled children's life as possible. Dream Job #2 presented itself as an early childhood educator for special needs children. So, after a lot of thought and weighing my options, I've made the switch in my major to Early Childhood Education, and I no longer roam the halls of Reese Phifer while toting Journalism books. Instead, much to my liking, I am hands-on, observing and writing case studies on children. I love love love it.

But, I miss my sports writing. So, my blog Just Jones It (College Edition) will be my own media outlet to express what I would write "nowadays" if I were so blessed to have a newspaper like The Lion's Tale. However, no newspaper I could ever work for would live up to the fun I had with the diverse group of students I worked with in high school.

So that's where the idea came from, and I'm sure to post more as football season get's a little more intense, and then basketball season is about to sneak up on us which means I'll have lots to talk about. So until then,

Go Heels and Roll Tide!